Divinity of Woman

“For a great number of years I have been observing the “DIVINITY OF WOMEN AND RECOGNIZING HER SUPERIORITY OVER MAN.” I believe this to be especially true of the present generation.

My main purpose in this little volume is to prove that woman is able to rule the world, and unless women shall rule this earth, the author believes that there will be no peace. Women abhor war and love peace, while men abhor peace and love war. The fact is that since the beginning of time, men have ruled the world, and still we have not found peace. That peace which man so craves has not been realized because war is still in the heart of man.

Therefore, the author urges all women on this earth to take the leadership of the world, because he believes that unless women do so, there will be no justice for humanity.

There will be no discrimation of races, no prejudice among mankind, if woman is given leadership. Love of fellowman is the ideal of every woman.

Hereafter, allow me to advise all men to respect every woman, because in reality she is “Divinely Created.” To respect thy women surely thou shalt find Peace.

I came to the writing of this, not by ambition, nor for the sake of bringing myself praise, but for the sake of duty and truth, lest, I might seem, like a sacrilegious person, if I were silent. Otherwise it would be an impious taciturnity and, as it were, a burying of my talent to refuse praises due to so devout a sex. So that if any argument which one thinks requisite to be added to this humble work, let one expect to have one’s position not contested by me, but attested, in as far as one of is able to carry on, this work of mine with one’s own genius and learning, And that this work itself may not become too large a volume, here let it end.”

Master Hilario Camino Moncado
Equi Frili Brium, K.HP., N.PH.D, N.H. PH. D
“ The Man Who Sees”
Published in 1926

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