Keeping Derobio Pure For the Next 100 Generations
Keeping Derobio Pure For the Next 100 Generations
Great Grand Master Pedoy was very concerned about keeping the Style of Derobio pure for the next generations.
As an analogy, the GGM use to tell us about an imaginary 2,000 year old Derobio tree. He describes this Derobio tree as old, mass and strong. He would tell the instructors, that the movements he is showing us is the same moves the General showed him. The style is being passed on pure and the Derobio tree still looks the same as when the General taught me.
He would then ask us, “If you instructors start adding different movements from other Escrima styles or from other martial arts, would the Derobio tree look the same in the coming generations? No, so he said to keep Derobio pure. It is acceptable to learn and teach the other martial art styles so we can defend against them, but don’t call these movements Derobio.”
This is the way the GGM would describe the Derobio Tree:
- The root of the tree is the foundation and represents the Derobio counters. The counters are never seen by the public and are the core of the style.
- The truck of the tree represents the history, culture, and traditions of the art, style and of the Philippines
- The Branches of the Tree represents the strikes and defense movements
- The Flower of the Tree is so beautiful and it represents our style’s one and two bolo calanzas. These knife dances are so beautiful and fluid, that everyone wants to learn them but few are willing to take the time to practice every day.
We used to wonder why the GGM would lecture us about the Derobio Tree all the time. Now we realize he didn’t want us to forget the importance of keeping the style pure. Now it’s up to us, the Instructors of the Pedoy School of Escrima and General Ablen’s School of Derobio Escrima to adhere to the GGM’s desires to keep Derobio style pure for the next 100 generations and to keep the Derobio Tree looking exactly the same.