General Ablen’s School of Derobio Escrima
Oahu Classes
- Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 pm to 7 pm, and only closed on major holidays.
- Waivers need to be signed before training.
- Kids need to be at least 6 years of age and well behaved
- Students are asked to come in a white t-shirt and black pants at least ten minutes before class. (Shoes or slippers are acceptable)
- Classes are held at MaeMae Elementary School in
- Enrollment is very limited and is based on availability; phone 808-781-5130.
Class Dues
- Regular adult class dues are just $65 a month.
- Kids under 16 years of age are just $35 a month.
Visiting Escrima and other Martial Arts Instructors are always welcomed!
Levels of Promotions
White Shirt – Student Level
Level One – Beginner (Minimum of 4 months)
- Student wears a plain white t-shirt to class and must learn
- Basic offensive strikes & defense movement of one stick-right & left hand
- Empty hand against one stick – right and left hand
- Basic three using Derobio movements – Wrist- Elbow- Wrist
- Ability to do “Three” and “Three”
- Medium Silawali
- Basic Empty Hand Grabbing
- Basic stick-to-stick grabs
- Must pass the movement and verbal test to get to Student of Derobio level.
Level Two- Student of Derobio (Minimum of 4 months)
- The student has earned their General School Of Derobio Escrima white shirt and needs to learn
- Six and six, one stick, Derobio offense and defense movements
- The umbrella movement defense for two, six and eleven defense movements
- Basics of one stick against small knife (Right Hand and Left Hand)
- Head, knee, head movements for right and left hand- one stick
- Empty Hand against small knife (Stabbing and slicing styles)
- Staff offensive and defense movements, including empty hand against staff
- Empty hand against two sticks
- Two sticks against 2 sticks – Derobio
- Must pass the movement and verbal test to get to the Advanced Student level.
Level Three – Advanced Student (Minimum of 4 months)
- Introduction of Sparring Techniques
- Basics on one bolo
- Offense and defense of small knife and staff. (1-12 Derobio)
- Ala Contra defense for the 1-12 (Right& Left Hand, one stick)
- One bolo and knife against 1 bolo and knife , Derobio 1-12
- One bolo against staff -Derobio. 1-12
- Broken numbers , one bolo to one bolo
- One bolo against hand , broken numbers
- One bolo against a small knife, broken numbers
- One bolo against a staff (broken numbers)
- The” first and second” flower of a one bolo dance
- Small knife against small knife offense and defense – stabbing and slicing
- Must be able to do” ten and ten”, one stick, Derobio offense and defense
- Advance Derobio defense, straight to the hand for each defensive move
- Broken numbers for the small knife against small knife
- One stick and small knife against one stick and small knife , broken numbers
- Broken numbers for staff against staff
- Basic three- broken numbers, wrist – elbow- Waist and head- knee – head movements
- Empty hand against one bolo knife, Derobio – right and left hand
- Must pass the movement and verbal test to get to the Senior Student level
Level Four- Senior Student (Minimum of 4 months)
- Two bolo movements
- High siliwali
- Kindergarten counters 1-25, GM Pedoy had a dream about
- Advance stick locks
- The” third and fourth” flower of a Derobio bolo dance
- Low Siliawali
- Must be able to do” 12 and 12″, Derobio offense and defense
- Defend broken numbers with one and two bolos
- Advanced sparring techniques
- Advanced 2 bolo defense
- One bolo against a knife, broken numbers Ala Contra, right hand and left hand
- One bolo against a staff, broken numbers Ala Contra, right hand and left hand
- One bolo and knife against 1 stick and knife, broken #s, right and left hand
- Two bolos against staff
- Two bolos against one stick and knife
- Must pass all the one and two bolo tests to achieve Black Shirt level.
Advanced Escrimador or Escrimadora Black Shirt Levels
Level One – (Minimum of 6 months)
- Learn the “1 and 2 Counters Series ” of the 144
- Learn the Kindergarten Counters- How to get out of a stick grab 1-12
- Know” 5th and 6th” flower of a one bolo dance
- Stick vice movements 1-12
- Must be able to do “Three and Three”, one bolo, Derobio Offense and Defense
- The “first” flower in a two bolo dance
- Must be able to teach the basics to a new student
- Empty hand advanced movements against one bolo and two bolo
- One bolo against medal staff
- Advanced rabbing against one bolo and the counters to the counters
- Must pass the movement and verbal test to get to the second level in the black shirt
Level Two – (Minimum of 6 months)
- Know the “3 and 4 Counters Series ” of the 144
- Know the” 7th and 8th flower” of a one bolo dance
- Do “Six and Six”, one bolo & two bolos
- Needs to know the advance staff techniques
- The” second ” flower of a 2 bolo dance
- Two Bolos against medal staff (1-12)
- Introduction of live stick sparring
- Must develop skills to demonstrate in public for one bolo against one bolo
- Must pass the movement and verbal test to get to the level three in black shirt training.
Level Three – (Minimum of 6 months)
- The ” 5 Counters Series ” of the 144
- The “9th and 10th” flower of a one bolo dance
- Do “Nine and Nine”, one bolo, Derobio Offense and Defense
- The “third flower ” in a two bolo dance
- Must develop skills to demonstrate in public for two bolo against two bolo
- Must be able to do” 12 and 12″, one bolo, Derobio Offense and Defense
- Needs to be able to do high Silawali with 2 bolos
- Must pass the movement and verbal test to get to the next level.
Level Three-Black Shirt Level
Level Four – Minimum of 6 months
- The “6 s” of the 144 counters
- The “11th and 12th” flower of a one bolo dance (Completed)
- Must be able to do” 12 and 12″, two bolo, Derobio Offense and Defense
- The ” fourth” flower in a two bolo dance.
- Able to do high and low Silawali with 2 bolos
- Must know 1-5- 8 two bolo demonstration, between left hander and right hander
- Must pass the movement and verbal test to get to the Blue Shirt Masestro level.
Blue Shirt – Maestro Level
Level One – (Minimum one year)
- Be able to teach all the white and black shirt requirements
- Know the “7 and 8 Counters” of the 144
- Able to do” 6 and 6 “, Silawali, 2 Bolo against 2 bolo
- Must be proficient in one bolo , opposite of power hand
- The ” fifth and six flowers ” in a 2 bolo dance
- Must be able to perform a bolo dance in public demonstrations
- Must pass the movement and verbal test to get to the second level blue shirt.
Level Two – (Minimum one year)
- Know the “9 and 10 Counters” of the 144
- Be able to “9 and 9”, Derobio, 2 Bolos against 2 bolos (1-12)
- Be able to do” 9 and 9″ , Silawail, 2 bolo against 2 bolo
- Must learn the ” Seventh and Eighth” flowers in a 2 bolo dance
- Must be able to teach level one Blue shirt
- Must be able to perform in public the 2 bolo demonstrations of the 1-5-8 series
- Must pass the movement and verbal test to get to the third level of blue shirts.
Level Three – Advanced – (Minimum one year)
- Know the “11 and 12 Counters” of the 144
- Advanced “12 and 12”, Derobio, 2 Bolos against 2 bolos
- Know the basic techniques of Pedoy’s healing massage
- Must be able to do “12 and 12” Siliwali, 2 bolos
- Able to teaching a whole class
- The “ninth and tenth” flowers in a two bolo dance
- Must be able to teach level one and two- blue shirt
- Must pass the movement and verbal test to get to the next senior level
Level Four- Senior (Minimum one year)
- Need to know the ” 1,728 Counters Series “
- Able to teach the 12 and 12, Derobio,1 and then 2 Bolos against 2 bolos advanced techniques
- Must be able to teach first 3 levels of blue shirt requirements
- Learn the “eleventh and twelfth ” flowers in a 2 bolo dance . (Completed)
- Be able to perform a one and a two bolo dance in public
- Know the advanced techniques of Pedoy’s healing massage
- Must pass the movement and verbal test to get to the full instructor red shirt level.